Is there something you’re wondering whether you should give up? Maybe you should just quit now while you’re ahead? Or is it something you should persevere with? Because on the other side of that perseverance is where the reward really comes in.
In today’s episode, we’re going to have a look at Seth Godin’s framework for how to tell whether you should persist with something or whether that thing is not worth your energy and your efforts, and therefore you should quit. I’m going to provide you with a ChatGPT prompt so that ChatGPT can walk you through this process of figuring out whether that thing is something that you should persevere with, or whether you’re in what’s known as a cul-de-sac or a cliff, where it’s essentially a dead end and no matter how hard you work, you’re not going to make any more progress.
If there’s a decision that you’ve been pondering, maybe you should focus your energy on one thing. Then this is the episode for you.
What is Seth Godin's "The Dip"?
So how do you know if it’s really time to stop something? Is it because it gets hard, or is it because you can’t see any light at the end of the tunnel? How do you make those decisions?
Seth Godin, the OG of online marketing and entrepreneurship, is a bestselling author with books such as “Purple Cow,” “Linchpin,” and “The Dip.” So what is “The Dip” that I’m going to be talking about today?
Often, when we first start a project, there’s an initial surge of energy—we’re really motivated, and it feels like we make a lot of progress quickly. Then there’s a dip, where things start to plateau, and we either lose energy or we’re not seeing the progress we were hoping for. It is in this dip that most people give up. It’s a natural tendency to want to quit when things get hard. However, if you’ve got the right task, the right goals, and the right circumstances, persisting through the dip is where the real rewards come in.
But not every situation is a dip. There are two other scenarios Seth describes: the cul-de-sac and the cliff.
The Dip vs The Cul-de-sac vs The Cliff
The cul-de-sac is a dead-end task or goal—something you’re working toward that you’re never actually going to achieve, with no clear path forward. This could be a job with no career progression or a side hustle that will never take off.
A cliff, on the other hand, is where things appear to be improving, rising, and progressing—until there’s a sudden drop-off at the end. For example, someone working long hours in a stressful corporate job might keep pushing through because of the great salary, but over time, the stress leads to burnout and health issues, forcing them to quit. Unlike a dip, where persistence leads to rewards, a cliff leads to inevitable collapse.
Now that you understand the dip, the cul-de-sac, and the cliff, you can use this framework to evaluate your own decisions. Is the thing you’re questioning a dip or a cul-de-sac? If it’s a dip, stick with it—the rewards are coming. But if it’s a cul-de-sac or a cliff, quitting might be the best choice.
Doubt can turn something into a dead end because you won’t be able to see the opportunities that might arise within the dip. This framework helps you clarify whether you should keep going or move on.
AI Can Help You Make This Decision (ChatGPT Prompt)
Instructions: Copy and paste this into ChatGPT to determine if you’re in a Dip, Cul-de-Sac, or Cliff.
“ChatGPT, I need help deciding whether I should persist or quit something I’m working on. Please ask me a series of questions to assess whether I’m in a Dip, a Cul-de-Sac, or a Cliff, based on Seth Godin’s book The Dip. After my responses, please analyze them and provide guidance.
Step 1: Understanding My Goal
- What is the specific goal or pursuit you’re currently struggling with?
- Why is this goal important to you? What outcome are you hoping to achieve?
- How long have you been working on this?
Step 2: Evaluating Progress & Obstacles
You can answer the following with a number scale (1-10) if that feels right, or you can respond in sentence format.
How much measurable progress have you seen in the last six months? (1 = No progress at all, 10 = Significant progress, clear momentum)
How much do you enjoy or find meaning in this pursuit? (1 = I dread it, 10 = I love it even when it’s hard)
How confident are you that your efforts will lead to success? (1 = No confidence, 10 = Extremely confident, just a matter of time)
If you worked ten times harder, would success be guaranteed? (Yes/No)
What are the biggest obstacles making this difficult for you right now?
If you stopped today, what would you lose?
Step 3: Future Outlook
You can answer the following with a number scale (1-10) if that feels right, or you can respond in sentence format.
If you continue at your current effort level, how likely is it that you’ll see significant improvement in the next six to twelve months? (1 = No chance, 10 = Very likely)
How clear is the path forward to success? (1 = Completely unclear, 10 = Clear and well-defined)
If you had to quit today, would you feel relief? (Yes/No)
Are you only sticking with this because you feel you “should” rather than because you want to? (Yes/No)
Is there an external factor (market demand, physical limitations, personal priorities) making success unlikely no matter how hard you try?
Step 4: Identifying the Type of Struggle
Based on your answers, ChatGPT will analyze if your situation matches one of these:
- The Dip (Keep Going!) – You’re improving, even if slowly. Success is hard but possible.
- Cul-de-Sac (Quit & Pivot!) – No matter what you do, you’re not making progress, and the best-case scenario isn’t great.
- The Cliff (Quit Immediately!) – Continuing will likely lead to burnout, financial loss, or failure.
Step 5: Decision & Next Steps
- Based on your responses, do you already suspect what’s happening? Do you feel like you should quit or persist?
- What would need to change for you to be confident in your decision?
Final Request to ChatGPT:
Now that I’ve answered these questions, please analyze my responses and tell me if I’m in a Dip, a Cul-de-Sac, or a Cliff. Based on this, should I push through or quit? Please explain why and suggest the best next steps.”
If you find yourself in a cul-de-sac, Seth Godin encourages quitting as soon as possible because time is your most valuable resource. If you’re in a dip, push through—it’s worth it.
Have you ever stayed in something longer than you should have? A job, a study program? I’d love to hear about it.
That’s it for today! Make sure to subscribe and like this video, and we’ll catch you in the next one.
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